Academic Activities

Academic Activities

Recent Papers in English (Find more)
・"Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Leadership Education", The Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Education and Thinking for the 21st Century, Edited By Michele John, Routledge.
・"Product Responsibility Disclosure: Do They Concern with Customer Privacy?", co-authored by Permatasari, P., Setawan, A. & Kurnia, T., Social Responsibility Journal, Vol. 20 Issue 10.
・“Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Leadership Education”, in M. John (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Education and Thinking for the 21st Century,(forthcoming)
・"Corporate Social Responsibility in Japanese Corporations", in D. Poff and
A.C. Michalos (eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, Springer,
・Forward: Eweje,G. and Nagano, S.(eds), Corporate Social Responsibility and Gender Equality in Japan: Historical and Current Perspectives, Springer, 2021.9.
・"Linkages and Complementarities between Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability", Co-authored, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Special Issue, Vol.12, Issue 3, 2021.(pdf)
・"Do Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives make for better CSR?", Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, Vol.19 No.4, 2019. (pdf)
・"Corporate Social Responsibility across Asia", with D. K. Davidson, et al., in J. Weber and D. Wasieleski (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility, Emerald, 2018.5.
・"The Implementation of CSR Management and Stakeholder Relations in Japan", S. Vertigans and S. O. Idowu (eds), Stages of Corporate Social Responsibility: From Ideas to Impacts, Springer, 2016.(pdf)
Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility, eds. by Idowu, S. O., Capaldi, N., Fifka, M., Zu, L., Schmidpeter, R., [entries: CSR Reporting, Enlightened Self Interest, ISO26000, Role of Nonprofit Sector, Stakeholder Engagement, Stakeholder Mapping, Venture Philanthropy], Springer, 2015.2.
・"Introduction: Japanese Approaches to CSR", Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Special Issue: Japanese Approaches to CSR, Issue 56, 2014.12.(pdf)

Recent Books/Selected Papers in Japanese (Find more)

Presentations at Conference and Seminar (Find more)  Photos
・11/21 “The Politicization of ESG Investment: A Metamorphosis of Investment Thinking”, Keynote speech (invited), GCSF, Taipei, Taiwan.
・11/15 “Corporate Social/Political Responsibility and Corporate Activism”, Special Lecture (invited), National Chengkung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
・11/6 “Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility”, Special Lecture (invited), National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
・10/24 “Corporate Political Responsibility and Corporate Activism in the Age of Sustainability Revolution: Beyond the Traditional Risk Management”, Keynote Speech (invited) ,5th Int’l Conference on Global Interferences of Knowledge Society、Romania.
・10/23 “Publishing without Perishing” Special Lecture for Graduate Students, Valahia University of Târgoviște, Romania.
・10/22 “Responsible Leadership Research and Education Contributing to Academic and Practical Excellence for Finding New Answers to Societal Challenges” Special Lecture for Faculty of Economics, Valahia University of Târgoviște, Romania.
・3/6 “The Interplay Between Psychographics And Social Norms In Ethical Consumption – Evidence From Germany, Japan, And The United States” co-authored with Z.Berberyan, S.Jastram, O.Schnittka, and M.Heuer, 84 Wissenschaftliche Jahrestagung des Verbandes der Hochschullehrerinnen und Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V., Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany.
・11/23 “”Speech,(invited), 30th Conference of Japanese Psychiatric Nurses Association
・10/17 “Sustainability Management Education in the age of Sustainability”, Special Lecture (invited), College of Technology Management, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan.
・10/3 “What is required to be a Global Sustainable Leader?”, Special Lecture (invited), Graduate Institute of International Business Seminar, NTPU, Taiwan.
・9/9 “Sustainability Management Education”, Academic Meeting with UNPAR and VUT, Waseda.
“Product Responsibility Disclosures: Do They Concern with Customer Privacy?”, with Paulina Permatasari, Tanto, Amelia Setiawan, 12th JFBS Conference, Keio University.
・9/7 "Business, Politics and Peace in the age of Sustainability",
Keynote speech (invited),12th JFBS Annual Conference, Keio University.
・9/02 Graduate School of Management, Kyoto(Green Entrepreneurship Endowed Course), Lecture
・8/31 JFBA Summer School "Business and Human Rights", online seminar, Japanese, free (flyer)
・7/22 “Sustainability Management Education”, Lecture(invited), 2023, Taiwan-Japan Net Zero Forum, Taipei
・3/9 “Business and Politics: Old and New Challenges” Lecture(invited),
National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA),
Bucharest, Romania
・3/7 “Sustainable Business Transformation: Management Challenges
in the Age of the Sustainability Revolution” Lecture(invited),
Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania
・2/21 “Business, Politics and Peace”, Musashi Economics Seminar(invited),
Musashi University, Tokyo
・2/18 Keynote Speech, 4th Yamanashi Plastic Waste Reduction Summit, Yamanashi
・2/19 "Challenges of Sustainability Management in Japanese Companies", Japan Academy of Personal Finance, Keynote Speech (invited). (Online)(pdf).
・12/2 "Responsible Management Education in Japan", The 4th GoldenBee CSR Academic Seminar, Keynote Speech (invited), Beijing, China. (Online)
・11/4, 11, 18 "Social Enterprise Organization and Management", Special Lecture (invited), National Taipei University, Taiwan. (Online)
・11/26 "Value Co-Creation in Crisis", Peradeniya University International Management Research Sessions (iPUMSE) , Business Forum 2021(invited), Sri Lanka. (Online) (Flyer)
・7/16 "Innovation and Creative Thinking Action Plan for Millennial Youth", ASIA—EUROPE Exchange Program, Center for Strategic Entrepreneurial Leadership (invited), University of Indonesia. (Online) (pdf)
・5/14 "Sustainable Business Transformation Post-COVID-19: A Look back and Look forward", 2nd International Conference, Global Ethics - Key of Sustainability, eben-ro, Keynote Speech (invited). (Online Conference) (Brochure)
・1/23 "Sustainability Management in Post Corona Era", JFBS Int'l Symposium. (Webinar) (Flyer)
・12/3 "Latest Development of CSR Reporting in Japan", The 13th International Conference on CSR Reporting in China, Keynote Speech (invited). (Webinar) (abstract in Chinese)
・12/2 "Global CSR Research and Education Prospect", The 3rd GoldenBee International CSR Academic Seminar, Keynote Speech (invited). (Webinar) (abstract in Chinese) 
・10/28 “Post Corona and the New Normal of Business in Society: Interruption and Continuation”, Global Corporate Sustainability Forum 2020. (invited) (Webinar)
・10/5 “How do Japanese Companies approach to CSR and Sustainability?”, Hamburg School of Business Administration, Virtual Study Trip Tokyo. (invited) (Webinar)
・9/5 "Post Corona and 'Business and Society'", JFBS Eastern Japan Workshop. (Webinar)
・6/12 "CSR in Japan and A decade Retrospective and Future of JFBS", Conference with Russian Business Ethics Network (RBEN) (Webinar)
・3/7 "Publish or/and/without Perish (?)", Workshop (invited), Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia.
・3/6 "Business Contribution for Sustainable Development: Sustainable Innovation", Special Lecture (invited), Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia.
・3/5 "Business Contribution for Sustainable Development: Sustainable Innovation", Special Seminar (invited), INWA, Indonesia.
・12/6 The 2nd GoldenBee International CSR Academic Seminar (invited), Keynote Speech, Grand Kempinski Hotel, Shanghai, China.
・12/5 The 12th International Conference on CSR Reporting in China (invited), Grand Kempinski Hotel, Shanghai, China.
・11/28-29 Global Corporate Sustainability Forum, Symposium (invited), Taipei, Taiwan.
・11/12 "Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility", Sympoisum (invited), Grand Master Think Tank Forum 2019, Howard Plaza Hotel Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (news1) (news2) (news3)
・11/8-9 "Asian Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Education", Symposium (invited), 2019 Conference on Ethics and Sustainable Development, Howard Plaza Hotel Kaohsiung,Taiwan.
・10/17 "How do businesses contribute to SDGs?", Special Seminar (invited), College of Business, National Taipei University, New Taipei City, Taiwan. (flyer)
・12/8 "Management Education for CSR and Sustainability: Introduction", JFBS Eastern Japan Workshop, Waseda University, Tokyo.
・11/22-23 Global Corporate Sustainability Forum, Symposium (invited), Taipei. (flyer)
・11/9 "Multi-Stakeholder CSR Initiatives: its possibilities and challenges", Seminar(invited), College of Business, National Taipei University.
・11/8 "Sustainable Development Goals and Business Contribution", Lecture(invited), Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei. (flyer)
・10/2 "Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility", Symposium (invited), 2018 Grand Master Think Tank Forum, Taipei.news1)(news2)(news3)(news4
・9/28-29 "Management Education for CSR and Sustainability", Symposium (invited), 2018 International CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance Conference, Taipei.
・6/9 "Research, Publish, Communication", JFBS Eastern Japan Workshop, Waseda University, Tokyo.
・5/27 "Multi-Stakeholders Perspective to Development of Social Enterprise", Symposium (invited), Shanghai Forum 2018, Fudan University, China. (pdf)
・3/20 "Current Research and Education Trends in CSR/Sustainability Management", JFBS Eastern Japan Workshop, Waseda University, Tokyo.
・3/7 "Publish or/and/without Perish (?)", Special Lecture (invited), PhD, Cologne Business School, Germany.
・2/28 "Institutionalization of Corporate Social Responsibility in Japan", Seminar (invited), MISUM, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden.
・2/27 "Do multi-stakeholder initiatives make for better CSR?", Seminar (invited), Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. (news)
・2/21 "Strategic CSR Management: A Lesson from Japanese Companies", International Lounge (invited), Hamburg School of Business Administration, Germany.
・2/7 "Current Research Trends in Business and Society", Seminar: Global Perspectives of CSR (invited), Cologne Business School, Germany.
・1/18 "The Institutionalization of Corporate Social Responsibility Management in Japan", Seminar (invited), St Chad’s College, Durham University, UK.

 Academic Association/Editorial Service (Find more)
Academic Association:
・Japan Forum of Business and Society, Board Memeber (President, 2011-2021)
・International Conference on Sustainability and Responsibility, Academic Committee (2010-2018)
・Global Corporate Governance Institute, Academic Advisory Committee (2015-)
・5th Symposium on Ethics and Social Responsibility Research, Scientific Committee (2019)
・2019 Conference on Ethics and Sustainable Development, Co-Chair (2019)

Editorial Service:
Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, Associate Editor (2015-)
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Editorial Advisory Board (2014-)
International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility, Editorial Board (2016-)
Journal of Business Administration, Editorial Board (2020-)
Annals of Japan Forum of Business and Society, Editorial Board (2011-)
The Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Special issue:Japanese Approaches to CSR, Issue 56, 2014, Guest Editor (2014)
Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Special Issue: Linkages and Complementarities between Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability, Vol.12, Issue 3, 2021, Co-Guest Editor (2021)
・The Springer Book Series: Responsible Leadership and Sustainable Management, Editorial Board (2022-)

 Visiting Professor/Scholar (Find more)
・2024 National Taipei University, Taiwan
・2024 Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia (Online)
・2023 National Taipei University, Taiwan
・2023 Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia (Online)
・2022 National Taipei University, Taiwan
・2022 Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia (Online)
・2021 National Taipei University, Taiwan 【Postponed】
・2021 Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia (Online)
・2020 National Taipei University, Taiwan 【Postponed】
・2020 Trisakti University, Indonesia 【Postponed】
・2020 Parahyangan Catholic University, Indonesia
・2019 National Taipei University, Taiwan
・2018 National Taipei University, Taiwan
・2018 St Chad’s College, Durham University
・2017-2018 Cologne Business School, Germany
・2017 Hamburg School of Business Administration, Germany
・2017 Free University of Berlin, Germany
・2016 National Taipei University, Taiwan
・2015 National Taipei University, Taiwan
・2015 Massey University, New Zealand