9/2-3 the 13th JFBS Annual Conference, Keio Univ, Hiyoshi Campus
9/05 【Undergraduate】 Joint-Workshop Ⅰ with National Taipei University,Waseda
9/22-26 【Undergraduate】Joint-Workshop Ⅱ with National Taipei University,Taipei
9/16-11/21 Visiting Professor at National Taipei University (Financial Ethics)
10/22,23 Lecture, Valahia University of Târgoviște
10/24,25 Speach, Global Interferences of Knowledge Society - 5th International Conference
・Permatasari, P., Tanimoto, K., Setawan, A.& Kurnia, T., "Product Responsibility Disclosure: Do They Concern with Customer Privacy?",
Social Responsibility Journal, forthcoming.
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