Papers in English
2025 |
・"Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Leadership Education", The Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Education and Thinking for the 21st Century, Edited By Michele John, Routledge.
2024 |
・"Product Responsibility Disclosure: Do They Concern with Customer Privacy?", co-authored by Permatasari, P., Setawan, A. & Kurnia, T., Social Responsibility Journal, Vol. 20 Issue 10.
2023 |
・“Corporate Social Responsibility and Responsible Leadership Education”, in M. John (ed.), The Routledge Handbook of Global Sustainability Education and Thinking for the 21st Century,(forthcoming)
2022 |
・"Corporate Social Responsibility in Japanese Corporations", in D. Poff and A.C. Michalos (eds.), Encyclopedia of Business and Professional Ethics, Springer.
2021 |
・"Linkages and Complementarities between Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability", Co-authored, Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, Special Issue, Vol.12, Issue 3, 2021. (pdf)
2019 |
・"Do Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives make for better CSR?", Corporate Governance: The international journal of business in society, Vol.19 No.4, 2019. (pdf)
2018 |
・"Corporate Social Responsibility across Asia", with D. K. Davidson, et al., in J.Weber and D.Wasieleski (eds.), Corporate Social Responsibility, Emerald, 2018.5.
2016 |
・"The Implementation of CSR Management and Stakeholder Relations in Japan", S. Vertigans and S. O. Idowu (eds), Stages of Corporate Social Responsibility: From Ideas to Impacts, Springer, 2016. (pdf)
| 2015 |
・ Dictionary of Corporate Social Responsibility, eds. by Idowu, S. O., Capaldi, N., Fifka, M., Zu, L., Schmidpeter, R., [entries: CSR Reporting, Enlightened Self Interest, ISO26000, Role of Nonprofit Sector, Stakeholder Engagement, Stakeholder Mapping, Venture Philanthropy], Springer, 2015.2.
| 2014 |
・"Introduction: Japanese Approaches to CSR", Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Special Issue: Japanese Approaches to CSR, Issue 56, 2014.12.(pdf)
・"Introduction: CSR and Corporate Governance", ed. by Japan Forum of Business and Society, CSR and Corporate Governance, Chikura-Shobo, 2014.12.
・"Concept Note: What is Expected for Sustainable Development?", Proceeding of the International Conference on Law, Society and Sustainable Development: Problems and Prospects, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India, 2014.2.
| 2013 |
・Introduction :Sustainable Development and Innovation, Jizoku Kanou-na Hatten to Inobe-shon [Introduction: Sustainable Development and Innovation], by Japan Forum of Business and Society(ed.), Chikura, 2013.9, Tokyo. ・"Corporate
Social Responsibility and Management Process
in Japanese Corporations", World
Review of Entrepreneurship, Management and
Sustainable Development, Vol.9, No.1, 2013.1. pp.10-25.(pdf)
2012 |
of Corporate Social ・Responsibility,
eds. by Idowu, S. O., Capaldi, N., Zu, L.
and Das Gupta, A., Springer,
[entries: Sanpoyoshi and
CSR, Keidanren].
Sustainable Development and Multi-Stakeholders
Process", ed. by Japan Forum of Business
and Society, Sustainable Development
and Multi-Stakeholders, Chikura-Shobo,2012.9.
・"The Emergent Process of Social
Innovation: Multi-Stakeholders Perspective",
Journal of Innovation and Regional Development,
special issue: Innovative Entrepreneurship,
Vol.4, No.3/4, 2012. pp.267-280.(pdf)
2011 |
・"The Process of Social Innovation:
Multi-Stakeholders Perspective",
reprinted in D. Chauvel (ed.), Leading
Issues in Innovation Research, API,
2011.10, pp.172-186. |
2010 |
・"Does Foreign Investment Matter?
The Effects of Foreign Investment on the
Institutionalization of Corporate Social
Responsibility by Japanese Firms",
with K. Suzuki & A. Kokko, Asian
Business & Management, Vol.9,
No.3, 2010.9. pp.379-400.(pdf)
・"The Process of Social Innovation:
Multi-Stakeholders Perspective",
proceedings of
European Conference on Innovation and
Entrepreneurship, National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens, Greece, 2010.9.
2009 |
Environmental Practices of Aeon: A Case
Study”, with M. Vilanova, Greeningretail,
2009.11. (pdf)
・“Structural Change in Corporate Society
and CSR in Japan”, Corporate Social Responsibility
in Asia, ch.2, ed. by K. Fukukawa, Routledge,
・“The Failure of CSR and Public Policy”,
International Conference, Konrad Adenauer
Foundation & KoSIF, 2009 6.18. |
2008 |
Individual CSR Activities Lead to the
Sustainable Development of Society?”,
Annual Conference, Keynote Speech,
The Future of Sustainable Development
in Asia: Prospects and Implications for
Euro-AsiaBusiness, Proceedings, Doshisha
Business School, Kyoto, 4 December 2008.
・“A Conceptual Framework of Social Entrepreneurship
and Social Innovation Cluster: A Preliminary
Study”, Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce
and Management Hitotsubashi
Journal of Commerce and Management,
42-1, 2008.10.(pdf)
・“Support for Working Parents: Government
Policies and Corporate Responses in Japan”,
with K. Suzuki & N. Atsumi,
Asian Business & Management,
Vol.7, No.3, September 2008. pp.297–319.
2007 |
・“Social Innovation Cluster in Action:
A Case of San Francisco Bay Area”, with
Doi, M., Hitotsubashi Journal of Commerce
and Management Hitotsubashi
Journal of Commerce and Management,
41-1, Oct.2007.(pdf)
・“Corporate Social Responsibility and
Public Policy”,
ADBI Conference , Enhancing CSR in
Asia, Asian Development Bank Institute,
Tokyo, Oct.19, 2007.(pdf)
・“The Emergence of Social Entrepreneurship
and its Strategy in Japan”, The
Corporate Responsibility Research Conference
2007, Proceedings, University of Leeds,
UK, 16 July 2007.(pdf)
・“Evaluation of Corporate Social Responsibility
(CSR) and the Market”, Business and
Society, Chapter 9, Edited by Japan
Association for the Comparative Studies
of Management, Bunrikaku, Kyoto, Feb.2007.(pdf)
2006~ |
and Stakeholder in Japan”, Symposium on
Corporate Social Responsibility - Perspectives
on Japan and Germany, Proceedings, Japanese-German
Center Berlin, Dec. 2006.
・“Corporate Social Responsibility in Japan:Analyzing the Participating Companies in Global Reporting Initiative”, with K. Suzuki, EIJS Working Paper Series, No 208, Stockholm School of Economics, 2005.3.(pdf)
・“Changes in
the Market Society and Corporate Social
Responsibility ”, Asian
Business & Management, Vol.3, No.2,
Pages 151-172, 2004,(pdf),
reprinted in Corporate Governance and
Globalization, T. Clarke & M. Dela
Rama,(eds.), Volume Ⅲ:Convergence
and Diversity, SAGE Publications,
2006. |
Selected Presentations at Conference and Seminar ▲top |
2024 |
(In English)
・11/21 “The Politicization of ESG Investment: A Metamorphosis of Investment Thinking”, Keynote speech (invited), GCSF, Taipei, Taiwan.
・11/15 “Corporate Social/Political Responsibility and Corporate Activism”, Special Lecture (invited), National Chengkung University, Tainan, Taiwan.
・11/6 “Introduction to Corporate Social Responsibility”, Special Lecture (invited), National Tsinghua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan.
・10/24 “Corporate Political Responsibility and Corporate Activism in the Age of Sustainability Revolution: Beyond the Traditional Risk Management”, Keynote Speech (invited) ,5th Int’l Conference on Global Interferences of Knowledge Society、Romania.
・10/23 “Publishing without Perishing” Special Lecture for Graduate Students, Valahia University of Târgoviște, Romania.
・10/22 “Responsible Leadership Research and Education Contributing to Academic and Practical Excellence for Finding New Answers to Societal Challenges” Special Lecture for Faculty of Economics, Valahia University of Târgoviște, Romania.
2023 |
(In English)
・7/22 “Sustainability Management Education”, Lecture(invited), 2023, Taiwan-Japan Net Zero Forum, Taipei
・3/9 “Business and Politics: Old and New Challenges” Lecture(invited), National University of Political Studies and Public Administration (SNSPA), Bucharest, Romania
・3/7 “Sustainable Business Transformation: Management Challenges in the Age of the Sustainability Revolution” Lecture(invited), Academy of Romanian Scientists, Bucharest, Romania
・2/21 “Business, Politics and Peace”, Musashi Economics Seminar(invited), Musashi University, Tokyo
(In Japanese)
・1/20 “Business and Human Rights”, Hyogo human rights promotion association, Hyogo
・9/07 “Business, Politics and Peace in the age of Sustainability”, Keynote speech (invited), JFBS Annual Conference, Keio University.
2022 |
(In Japanese)
・2/19 "Challenges of Sustainability Management in Japanese Companies", Japan Academy of Personal Finance, Keynote Speech (invited). (Online)(pdf).
2021 |
(In English)
・12/2 "Responsible Management Education in Japan", The 4th GoldenBee CSR Academic Seminar, Keynote Speech (invited), Beijing, China. (Online)
・11/4, 11, 18 "Social Enterprise Organization and Management", Special Lecture (invited), National Taipei University, Taiwan. (Online)
・11/26 "Value Co-Creation in Crisis", Peradeniya University International Management Research Sessions (iPUMSE) , Business Forum 2021 (invited), Sri Lanka. (Online)(Flyer)
7/16 "Innovation and Creative Thinking Action Plan for Millennial Youth", ASIA—EUROPE Exchange Program, Center for Strategic Entrepreneurial Leadership (invited), University of Indonesia. (Online) (pdf)
5/14 "Sustainable Business Transformation Post-COVID-19: A Look back and Look forward", 2nd International Conference, Global Ethics - Key of Sustainability, eben-ro, Keynote Speech (invited). (Online Conference) (Brochure)
1/23 "Sustainability Management in Post Corona Era", JFBS Int'l Symposium. (Webinar) (Flyer)
(In Japanese)
3/14 "Past and Future Prospect for Social Eentrepreneurship", Forum for Entrepreneurial Studies. (Webinar)
"Post Corona and Sustainable 'Business and Society' in Japan", JFBS Symposium. (Webinar)
2/27 "New Challenges for Universities and Faculty Members in Japan," The 26th Faculty Development Forum, The Consortium of Universities in Kyoto. (Webinar)
2020 |
(In English)
12/3 "Latest Development of CSR Reporting in Japan", The 13th International Conference on CSR Reporting in China, Keynote Speech (invited), Beijing, China. (Webinar) (abstract in Chinese)
12/2 "Global CSR Research and Education Prospect", The 3rd GoldenBee International CSR Academic Seminar, Keynote Speech (invited), Beijing, China. (Webinar) (abstract in Chinese)
10/28 “Post Corona and the New Normal of Business in Society: Interruption and Continuation”,
Global Corporate Sustainability Forum 2020 (invited). (Webinar)
10/5 “How do Japanese Companies approach to CSR and Sustainability?”,
Hamburg School of Business Administration, Virtual Study Trip Tokyo (invited). (Webinar)
6/12 "CSR in Japan and A decade Retrospective and Future of JFBS", Conference with Russian Business Ethics Network (RBEN) (invited). (Webinar)
3/7 "Publish or/and/without Perish (?)", Workshop (invited), Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia.
3/6 "Business Contribution for Sustainable Development: Sustainable Innovation", Special Lecture (invited), Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung, Indonesia.
3/5 "Business Contribution for Sustainable Development: Sustainable Innovation", Special Seminar (invited), INWA, Indonesia.
(In Japanese)
9/5 "Post Corona and 'Business and Society'", JFBS Eastern Japan Workshop. (Webinar)
2019 |
(In English)
12/6 The 2nd GoldenBee International CSR Academic Seminar (invited), Keynote Speech, Grand Kempinski Hotel, Shanghai, China.
12/5 The 12th International Conference on CSR Reporting in China (invited), Grand Kempinski Hotel, Shanghai, China.
11/28-29 Global Corporate Sustainability Forum, Symposium (invited), Taipei.
11/12 "Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility", Sympoisum (invited), Grand Master Think Tank Forum 2019, Howard Plaza Hotel Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (news1) (news2) (news3)
11/8-9 "Asian Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility Education", Symposium (invited), 2019 Conference on Ethics and Sustainable Development, Howard Plaza Hotel Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
10/17 "How do businesses contribute to SDGs?", Special Lecture (invited)
, College of Business, National Taipei University, New Taipei City, Taiwan. (flyer)
5/23 "Sustainable Development and Innovation", Special Lecture, National Taipei University EMBA Study Tour in Japan, Waseda University, Tokyo.
(In Japanese)
3/2 "Social Business as International Cooperation", Special Lecture, The 37th Japan Association for International Health, Daiichi University of Pharmacy, Fukuoka.
2018 |
(In English)
11/22-23 Global Corporate Sustainability Forum, Symposium (invited), Taipei. (flyer)
11/9 "Multi-Stakeholder CSR Initiatives: its possibilities and challenges", Seminar, College of Business, National Taipei University.
11/8"Sustainable Development Goals and Business Contribution", Lecture, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taipei. (flyer)
10/2 "Business Ethics and Corporate Responsibility", Symposium (invited), 2018 Grand Master Think Tank Forum, Taipei. (news1)(news2)(news3)(news4)
9/28-29 "Management Education for CSR and Sustainability", Symposium (invited), 2018 International CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance Conference, Taipei.
5/27 "Multi-Stakeholders Perspective to Development of Social Enterprise", Symposium (invited), Shanghai Forum 2018, Fudan University, China. (pdf)
3/7 "Publish or/and/without Perish (?)", Special Lecture (invited), PhD, Cologne Business School, Germany.
2/28 "Institutionalization of Corporate Social Responsibility in Japan", Seminar (invited) , MISUM, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden.
2/27 "Do multi-stakeholder initiatives make for better CSR?", Seminar (invited) , Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. (news)
2/21 "Strategic CSR Management: A Lesson from Japanese Companies", International Lounge (invited), Hamburg School of Business Administration, Germany.
2/7 "Current Research Trends in Business and Society", Seminar: Global Perspectives of CSR (invited), Cologne Business School, Germany.
1/18 "The Institutionalization of Corporate Social Responsibility Management in Japan", Seminar (invited), St Chad’s College, Durham University, UK.
(In Japanese)
12/8 "Management Education for CSR and Sustainability: Introduction", JFBS Eastern Japan Workshop, Waseda University, Tokyo.
6/9 "Research, Publish, Communication", JFBS Eastern Japan Workshop, Waseda University, Tokyo.
3/20 "Current Research and Education Trends in CSR/Sustainability Management", JFBS Eastern Japan Workshop, Waseda University, Tokyo.
2017 |
(In English)
12/6 "Relationship between Corporation and Society in Japan: the Past and Present", Lecture (invited) , Graduate School of Economics, Rennes University, France.
12/5 "Compared Business Behaviour: Japan, France, Canada", Seminar (invited) , Graduate School of Economics, Rennes University, France.
11/22 "Multi-Stakeholder CSR Initiative: conceptual review", Seminar (invited), ESADE, Barcelona, Spain.
9/14 "Sustainable Global Environment and Business", Dialogue with Rick Rigeway (invited), Patagonia Vice President, Seminar Room, DIAMOND,Inc., Harajuku, Tokyo. (flyer)
8/22 "Sustainable Development Goals and the Private Sector", German-Japanese Young Leaders Forum 2017 (invited), JDZB, The International House of Japan, Tokyo, Japan.
8/2-5 "Stakeholder Relations", Summer School (invited) , Hamburg School of Business Administration, Germany.
7/27 "Publish or/and/without Perish (?)", Special Lecture (invited), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Free University of
Berlin, Germany.
7/7 "Sustainable Development and Multi-Stakeholder Partnership", Keynote Speech, Symposium (invited), Free University of Berlin, Germany.(flyer)
7/5 "Business and Society: From Responsibility to Governance", Workshop (invited), Copenhagen Business School, Denmark.
6/24 "Sustainable Development Goals and Innovation", Lecture (invited), Hamburg School of Business Administration, Germany.
6/20 "Challenges of CSR in Japanese Management", Lecture (invited), Japanisches Kulturinstitut Köln, Cologne, Germany.
6/6 "Sustainable Development Goals and Innovation", Lecture (invited) , Deutsch-Japanishche
Gesellschaft Berlin, JDZB, Germany.
5/30 "Sustainable Innovation and Business Strategy", SKEMA KTO Research Seminar (invited), SKEMA Business School, France.
(In Japanese)
3/11 "Growing Interest in 'Business and Society' and Challenges: Sense and Philosophy of Researcher", JFBS Eastern Japan Workshop, Waseda University, Tokyo.
2016 |
(In English)
11/28 "Sustainable Innovation and Business Strategy", Keynote Speech, Symposium (invited), 2016 International Conference on Climate Finance and Industry, Inha University, Incheon, Korea.
11/15 "The Basics of Research on Business and Society", Special Lecture for Master students (invited), National Taipei University.
11/9 "Social Business and Innovation", Seminar (invited), Fu Jen Catholic University, New Taipei City, Taiwan.(pdf)
11/2 "Social Business and Innovation", Seminar (invited) , Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts, New Taipei City, Taiwan.
9/6 "Exchange Program between NTPU and Waseda Univ: Introduction", Special Lecture, National Taipei University Study Tour in Japan, Waseda University, Tokyo.
6/7 " Business and Society in Japan: Introduction", Special Lecture, National Taipei University EMBA Study Tour in Japan, Waseda University, Tokyo.
5/27 Symposium: Facts and Trends of Strategic CSR for Financial Sector (invited), 2016 International Conference of Taiwan Finance Association, New Taipei City, Taiwan.(news)(news2)
2/12 "Sustainability Challenges and Roles of Private Sector", Keynote Speech, Symposium: Sustainability and Innovation - Opportunities and Challenges: Perspectives from Japan and Germany (invited), Japanese German Center Berlin, Germany.(flyer)
2/11 Corporate Social Responsibility in Different Varieties of Capitalism: Exploring How National Institutions Shape CSR, Workshop (invited), Free University of Berlin, Germany.
2/10 "Challenges of CSR management in Japanese companies", Symposium: Challenges in Japanese Management (invited), Berlin Institute for International Business Studies, Berlin, Germany. (flyer)
(In Japanese)
9/2 "Governance Structure of Business and Society", Keynote Speech, Symposium (invited), 90th Annual Conference of Japan Academy of Business Administration: Introspection and Conception of the Japanese Business Administration in the Last Nine Decades, Senshu University, Tokyo, Japan.
6/4 "Sustainable Development and Roles of Private Sector", Keynote Speech / "Distribution・Marketing and Public Value Creation", Panel Discussion, Symposium (invited), 66th Annual Conference of Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution, Chiba University of Commerce, Chiba, Japan.
5/14 "Institutionalization of an Academic Field of 'Business and Society' and Research(er) in Japan", JFBS Eastern Japan Workshop, Waseda University, Tokyo.
2015 |
(In English)
12/3 "Achieving the Sustainable Goals: Innovation and Collaboration", Symposium (invited), Huawei Sustainability Salon, Shenzhen, China.
11/12 "Risks and Opportunities in Japan: Local Communities Confronting Demographic Change and Climate Change", Joint Workshop, DIJ and Tanimoto Research Group, DIJ, Tokyo.(pdf)
11/5 "A New Perspective on Social Innovation", Special Lecture (invited), College of Business, National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan.
11/4 "Challenges and Opportunities for the CSR Development: A Lesson from Japanese Companies", Keynote Speech, Symposium (invited),
2015 CSR Conference: Challenges and Opportunities for the CSR Development in Asia, National Taipei University, Taipei, Taiwan.(pdf)
9/10 "Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Innovation", Plenary Session 1, JFBS 5th International Annual Conference, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
8/13 "Relationship between Corporation and Society in Japan: the Past and Present", Seminar (invited), Waikato Management School, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand.
8/11 "Japanese Corporation and its Stakeholders: Changing the Relationship", Seminar (invited), School of Management, Massey University, Auckland, New Zealand.
2/13 "CSR Management and Stakeholder Relations in Japan", Seminar (invited), Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University,
Kyoto. (Special Lecture)
9/8 "Business and Society in Japan: an overview of the background and academic research", Special Lecture (invited), National Taipei University MBA Study Tour, Waseda Univ.
2/26 "Social Business in Japan", Special Lecture (invited), SciencesPo. Paris, Master of Public Affairs Study Tour, Waseda Univ.
(In Japanese)
2/12 "Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation", Seminar (invited), Institute of Economic Research, Kyoto University,
2014 |
(In English)
11/12 "Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation: Multi-Stakeholders Perspective", Seminar (invited), East Asian Economic Studies, Duisburg-Essen University, Duisburg, Germany.
11/7 "CSR and Stakeholder Relations in Japan", Workshop (invited), Graduate School of East Asian Studies, Free University Berlin, Germany. 11/3 "Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation", Guest Lecture (invited), Free University Berlin, Germany.
10/22 "Social Entrepreneurship and Social Innovation: Multi-Stakeholders Perspective", Seminar (invited), Centre for Business in Society, Coventry Univ., UK.
10/7 Doctoral Workshop (invited), (Photo) Commentator, Preceding the 6th International Conference on Corporate Sustainability and Responsibility, Humbodlt University, Berlin, Germany.(pdf)
8/14 "Implementation of CSR Management and Stakeholders Relations", Symposium (invited), International CSR, Sustainability, Ethics & Governance Conference, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK.
4/24 "Prospects for Sustainability Management", Symposium (invited), Huawei Sustainability Conference, Shenzhen, China.
2/17 "What is expected for Sustainable Development?", Keynote speech, Symposium (invited), International Conference on Law, Society and Sustainable Development: Problems and Prospects, Nirma University, Ahmedabad, India.
(In Japanese) 9/6 "Management Inquisition of Social Business,"(Panelist) (invited), Japan Academy of Business Administration, Kokushikan University, Tokyo.
2013 |
(In English)
10/31 "Social Innovation for Sustainable Development", Plenary Session 1: New Idea in Growth: Sharing and Cooperation (invited), Asia Future Forum 2013, Hankyoreh Media Group, Seoul, Korea.
10/30 "CSR Trends and Challenges", Breakout Session 1: New Trend of CSR in Korea, China, and Japan (invited), Asia Future Forum 2013, Hankyoreh Media Group, Seoul, Korea.
9/19 "CSR and Corporate Governance:Comparative Study of European Companies and Japan" Plenary Session 1, JFBS 3rd International Annual Conference, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
10/27 "Questioning the Relationship between Business and Society", (Organized Symposium) (invited), 32nd Annual Conference for Social and Economic Sysytems Studies, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan.
10/26 "Restructuring Initiative of Social and Economic System", (Panelist) (invited), 32nd Annual Conference for Social and Economic Sysytems Studies, Kyoto Sangyo University, Kyoto, Japan.
6/29 "Globalization and Corporate Sustainability", Symposium (invited), Japan Academy of Business Administration, Kanto Division, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
3/5 "CSR and Corporate Governance: Challenge of Japanese Enterprise in Asia", Symposium, Eastern Japan Workshop, Japan Forum of Business and Society, Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
2012 |
(In English)
10/14 “Entrepreneurs and Sustainable
Development”, Symposium (invited), The Role of
Entrepreneurs in the Political
Economy of the Pacific Rim,
University of Missouri, St.Louis.
6/29 "Economic Leadership
and Values", Symposium (invited),German-Japanese
Young Leaders Forum 2012,
Challenges of Leadership in
Risk and Crisis Management,
Munich, Germany.
9/20 Innovation for Sustainable
Development" Plenary
Session 1, 2nd
Annual Conference, Japan Forum
of Business and Society(JFBS),
Waseda University, Tokyo,
3/17 "Stakeholder Engagement
and Strategic Management",
Keynote Speech, Symposium (invited), 12th Annual
Conference, Japan Academy
of Strategic Management, Tokyo
Fuji University, Japan.
2/17 "Business and Society,
its Global Trend, and Subject:
Comparison Study of US, EU,
and Japan", Keynote
Speech, Symposium (invited), Macro-economics and
Economic System Study Group
and Comparative Economic Study
Group, Institute of Economic
Research, Kyoto University,
2011 |
(In English)
12/8 "Responsible Competitiveness: Embedding CSR in Core Business Processes", Symposium (invited), CEMS Research Symposium
with Marc Vilanova (Esade), Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon, Portugal.
9/17 “Responsible Competitiveness:
Exploring the Link between
CSR and Core Competitiveness
Factors”, Symposium (invited), EBEN
Annual Conference, with
Marc Vilanova (ESADE Business
School), Antwerp, Belgium.
2/10 "CSR Management
in Japanese Companies",
Seminar on the Japanese Economy
and Society (invited), the Maison
franco-japonaise, Tokyo, Japan. (In
12/10 "Recovery from
Disaster and Corporate Managment",
Symposium (invited), Kanto division
meeting of Japan Society of
Business Administration, Meiji
University, Tokyo, Japan.
10/30 "Disaster and Social
Innovation", Symposium (invited), 30th Annual
Conference, the Japan Association
for Social and Economic Systems
Studies, University of Tokyo
, Japan.
9/16"Sustainable Development
and Multi-Stakeholders",
Forum of Business and Society
(JFBS) Annual Conference,
Waseda University, Tokyo,
9/16 "Possibility
of Round Table in Japan",
Japan Forum of Business and
Society (JFBS) Annual Conference,
Waseda University, Tokyo,
5/20 "Business in Society:
What we aim for and do",
Keynote Speech, Japan
Forum of Business and Society
(JFBS), Marunouchi Building,
Tokyo, Japan.
2010 |
12/17 "Social Entrepreneur
and Sustainable Development",
Symposium (invited), Hope Institute, Seoul, Korea.
12/16 "Social Entrepreneur
and its Stakeholders",
Breakout session (invited), Asia
Future Forum 2010, Hankyoreh
Media Group, Seoul, Korea.
11/5 "Leadership and
Governance for the Common
Good", Parallel Breakout
Session (invited), Fourth International
Annual Conference, Asia
Pacific Academy of Business
in Society (APABIS), United
Nations University, Tokyo,
11/4 "Business Leadership:
Corporate Responsibility and
the Challenge and Opportunity
of the Sustainable Enterprise
Economy", Plenary session (invited),
Fourth International Annual
Conference, Asia Pacific
Academy of Business in Society
(APABIS), United Nations University,
Tokyo, Japan.
9/16 "The Process of
Social Innovation: Multi-Stakeholders
Perspective", Symposium (invited), 5th
European Conference on Innovation
and Entrepreneurship,
National and Kapodistrian
University of Athens, Greece.
7/8 "Social Innovation
and Entrepreneurship in Japan",
at the Breakfast Meeting of
DJW and DJG (invited), Duesseldorf,
7/7 "CSR and Corporate
Governance: Challenges for
Japanese Corporations",
at East Asian Economic Studies (invited),
Duisburg-Essen University,
Duisburg, Germany.
6/25 "CSR and Corporate
Governance: Challenges for
Japanese Corporations",
at Vlerick Leuven Gent Management
School (invited), Gent, Belgium.
6/23 "Challenges of
CSR Management in Japanese
Companies", Symposium (invited), JBCE, Brussels,
2/19 Conference: Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Japanese and German Approaches
and Experiences (invited), Japanese-German
Center Berlin, Germany.
(In Japanese)
10/23 "Globalization
and Sustainability: Toward
a New Business Model",
Symposium (invited), 17th Annual Conference of
the Japan Academy of International
Business Studies, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo, Japan.
2/13 "CSR Management
in Japanese Companies",
Keynote Speech, Symposium (invited), Hannan
University Symposium,
Hannan University, Osaka,
【Joint Researches】
10/30 "Creation of Social
Innovation by Social Enterprises
and Stakeholders- Case Study
of Reused Dishes by Space
Fuu (NPO)", 29th Annual
Conference of the Japan Association
for Social and Economic Systems
Studies、with Kimihisa Komura,
Nobuyoshi Omuro, Shuji Ohira
and Masaatsu Doi, Doshisha
University, Kyoto, Japan.
9/4 "The Process of
Creating Social Innovation",
84th Annual Conference of
the Japan Society of Business
Administration, with Nobuyoshi
Omuro, Shuji Ohira, Masaatsu
Doi, and Kimihisa Komura,
Ishinomaki Senshu University,
Ishinomaki, Japan.
5/9 "Change in Consumer's
Consciousness by Using Social
Products -Case Study of Reused
Dishes by Space Fuu (NPO)
at Koshu-Masuho Festival",
40th Annual Conference of
the Japan Association for
Consumer Studies, with Shuji
Ohira, Nobuyoshi Omuro, Masaatsu
Doi and Kimihisa Komura, Komazawa
University, Tokyo, Japan. |
2009 |
6/18 "The Failure of
CSR and Public Policy", Symposium (invited),
CSR International Conference,
Konrad Adenauer Foundation
& KoSIF, Seoul Plaza Hotel,
Seoul, Korea.
(In Japanese)
11/25 "CSR and Corporate
Governance", Symosium (invited),
CSR from European and Japanese
Perspectives, EUSI-EESC, Josui
Kaikan, Tokyo, Japan.
10/17 "Construction of Sustainable
Society: Changing Style of
Global Governance and the
Multi-Stakeholder Process",
President’s Memorial Lecture (invited),
28th Japan Association for
Social and Economic Systems
Studies, Kansai University,
Osaka, Japan.
10/10 "CSR and Governance
System", Symposium (invited), 50th Anniversary
of the Annual National Conference
of The Academic Association
for Organizational Science,
Waseda University, Tokyo,
6/25 "Corporate Responsibility
for a Sustainable Society
and Policy Tasks", Keynote
Speech (invited), Workshop (invited), for Sustainability,
Research and Legislative Reference
Bureau National Diet Library
(NDL), Tokyo, Japan.
5/14 "Trend and Possibility
of Social Business",
Keynote Speech, Symposium (invited),
"Diverse styles of NPO
activity: what is expected
of civil engineers",
The Committee on Education
, Japan Society of Civil Engineers,
Tokyo, Japan.
2008 |
12/4 "Do Individual CSR
Activities Lead to the Sustainable
Development of Society?”, EAMSA,
25th Annual Conference, Keynote
Speech, Symposium (invited), The Future of Sustainable
Development in Asia: Prospects
and Implications for Euro-Asia
Business, Doshisha Business School,
Kyoto, Japan.
11/28 "CSR and Corporate
Value: Global Trends and Strategy
in Japan", The
18th Management Forum , Keynote
Speech, Symposium (invited), The Institute of Management
Research of Chung-Ang University,
Seoul, Korea.
11/27 "CSR and Management
Strategy in Japan: Recent Trends
and Issues", CSR
Workshop (invited), Business Institute
for Sustainable Development (BISD),
Korean Chamber of Commerce and
Industry, Seoul, Korea.
11/12 "CSR In Japan: Its
Historical Background and Policy",
Workshop (invited), Deutsches Institut
Fur Japanstudien:DIJ, Tokyo, Japan.
(In Japanese)
10/11-12 "Liberal Arts and
Socioeconomic's System Theory",
Panelist, Open Seminar on Liberal
Arts and Socioeconimc System (invited),
The Japan Association for Social
and Economic System Studies at
Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan.
9/4-6 "Innovation of Japanese
Corporations- Innovation of Corporate
Society", Panelist, The 82th
Annual Meeting 2008, Japan Society
of Business Administration, Hitotsubashi
University, Tokyo, Japan.
7/10 "Social Business"
<Social System Design Project>,
Institute of Statistical Research,
Tokyo, Japan.
・2/17 "Current CSR Discussion",
Japanese Economic Structure Meeting (invited),
Japan Association of Evolutionary
Economics, Yokohama National University,
Yokohama, Japan. |
2007 |
11/29 "Does Foreign Ownership
Matter? Effects Of Ownership
Structure On Socially Responsible
Practices In Japan", K.Suzuki,
K.Tanimoto,and A.Kok, 2007
Rise of the Asian Multinational
Firm: Implications for Management,
Competition and Cooperation,
University of Leeds, UK.
10/19 "Corporate Social Responsibility
and Public Policy"(web),
Conference (invited), Enhancing
CSR in Asia, Asian Development
Bank Institute, Tokyo, Japan.
7/16 "The Emergence of Social
Entrepreneurship and its Strategy
in Japan", Symposium (invited),
The Corporate Responsibility Research Conference 2007,
University of Leeds, UK.
(In Japanese)
10/3 "Promotion
of Sustainable Enterprises:
Corporate Social Responsibility
and Human Resources Development
and Utilization in Enterprises", 20th International Labour
Issues Symposium (invited), United Nations University,
Tokyo, Japan. (in
9/14 "Next Issues of
Management", Symposium (invited), 32nd Dean
of Business Administration
Conference, Brighton Hotel
Kyoto, Japan.
5/24 "Philanthropy through
Core Business" (Joint
Statement with Doi), Social
Innovation Seminar, SIJ, Tokyo,
5/20 "CSR Movement and Policy
Tasks in Japan", Symposium (invited), The 15th
Annual Conference, The Society
for the History of Management
Theories, Hokkai-Gakuen University,
Sapporo, Japan.
4/21 "Realisation
of Local Governance through
Multi-Partnerships: How Local
Governance can be Related
to Sustainability",
Panel Discussion (invited), Local Human Resources and
Public Policy Development
System Open Research Centre
(LORC), Ryukoku University.
Campus Plaza Kyoto, Japan.
3/15 CSR Seminar (invited), University
of Electro-Communications
(UEC), Tokyo, Japan.
3/6 "Putting
our minds together about bank
CSR activities and environmentally
friendly activities", CSR Symposium (invited),
the Study Group on the Financial
System, Japanese Bankers Association(JBA),
Tokyo, Japan. (web)
1/31 "Social
Entrepreneurship and social
Innovation", Academic Lecture (invited), Faculty
of Management, Chukyo University,
Nagoya, Japan.
1/26 "CSR in Japan and
Chain for Sustainable Development",
Symposium of Hitotsubashi
University and Chainese Academy
of Social Science, Beijing,
Japanese) |