RRecent Books/Selected Papers in Japanese
Recent Books in Japanese

Watashitatino kurashiha Sekaito Tsunagatteiru [Our Daily Life is Connected to the World], Chikura Shobo, 2022.10, Tokyo
Kenkyusha-ga Shitteokitai Akademikkuna Sekai-no Sahou [Introduction to Academic Communication], Chuokeizai-sha, 2020.12, Tokyo.
Tekisuto: Kigyou to Shakai: Sasutenabiriti Jidai-no Keieigaku [Textbook: Business and Society: Business Administration in an Era of Sustainability], Chuokeizai-sha, 2020.3, Tokyo.
So-sharu Bijinesu Ke-su:Shoushi Koureika Jidaino So-sharu Inobe-shon [Social Business Case: Social Innovation in an Era of Falling Birthrate and Aging Population], (ed.), Chuokeizai-sha, 2015.7, Tokyo.
Nihonkigyou-no-CSR Keiei [CSR Management of Japanese Companies], Chikura, 2014.8, Tokyo.
So-sharu・Inobe-shon-no Soushutsu to Fukyuu [Creation and Diffusion of SOCIAL INNOVATION]", NTT-Publishing, 2013.12, Tokyo.
Sekinin-aru Kyousouryoku [Responsible Competitiveness], NTT-Publishing, 2013.4,Tokyo.
Kigyo to Shakai, MINERVA SHOBO, 2012.3, Tokyo, co-supervisor of translation, Business and Society, by Post, Lawrence and Weber(eds.), Ninth edition, Irvin/McGraw-Hill.
SRI to Atarashii Kigyo Kinyu [SRI, New Business and Finance], (ed.), TOYO KEIZAI, 2007.4, Tokyo.
Sosharu enta-puraizu [Social entrepreneurship] ,(co-ed.), NTT-Publishing, 2007.4, Tokyo.
CSR- Kigyo to shakai wo kangaeru [CSR―Business and Society ], NTT-Publishing, 2006, Tokyo.
Sosharu enta-puraizu [Social Enterprise] ,(ed.),Chuokeizai-sha, 2006, Tokyo.
CSR Keiei [CSR Management],(ed.),Chuokeizai-sha, 2004, Tokyo.
SRI:Shakaiteki Sekinin Toushi Nyumon [SRI: Introduction for Socially Responsible Investment],(ed.) , Nihon Keizai Shinbun, Tokyo, 2003.
Kigyoshakai no Rikonsutorakushon [Reconstruction of Corporate Society], Chikura, 2002, (Reprinted) 2008.1,Tokyo.
NPO to Jigyo [NPO and Business],(co-ed.), MINERVA SHOBO, 2002, Tokyo.

Recent Selected Papers in Japanese

・“kigyou to seiji · Heiwa · Jizokukanou na hatten - Keieigaku no kadai ” [Business, Politics, Peace, and Sustainable Development: New Challenges in Business (in Japanese)], Japan Forum of Business and Society Annals, No.12, 2023.9
・"Kigyou to shakai no gabanansu-kouzou no henka" [Change in Governance Structure of Business and Society], Keieigaku-ronshu[The Journal of Business Management], Japan Academy of Business Administration, 2017.4
・"Kigyou to shakai no gabanansu no kouzou" [Governance Structure of Business and Society], Proceedings of the Annual Conference, Japan Academy of Business Administration, 2016.9.
・"Jizoku kanouna hatten to kigyou no yakuwari" [Sustainable Development and Roles of Private Sector], Proceedings of the Annual Conference, Japan Society of Marketing and Distribution, 2016.6.
・"Kigyou to shakaino kankei wo toinaosu" [Launching a New Inquiry of the Relationship between Business and Society], (Lecture Record), Social and Economic Systems Studies, No.35, 2014.12.
・"Suteiku-horuda-engeijimento to Keiei Senryaku" [Stakeholder Engagement and Management Strategy], (Invited Lecture Record), Keiei Senryaku Kenkyu[Study in Management Strategy], Academy of Management Strategy, No.13, 2013.9.
・Comments: Learning from Blind Spots, Rinri-no Shikaku [Blind Spots], Max H.Bazerman and Ann E.Tenbrunsel(co-authors), NTT-Publishing Co.,LTD, 2013.9, Tokyo.
・"Shakaitekikigyou to Suteikuholuda niyoru Sosharuinobe-shon no Soushutsu" [Social Innovation which social enterprises create through interactions with stakeholders], with K. Komura, N. Ohmuro, S. Ohira, M. Doi, Social And Economic Systems Studies, No.32. 2011.10
・"Jizoku Kanou na Shakai no Kouchiku:Gulobalu Gavanansu no Henka to Maluchi Suteikuholuda Purosesu"[Construction of Sustainable Society: Changing Style of Global Governance and the Multi-Stakeholder Process], President’s memorial lecture, Social and Economic Systems Studies, No.31, 2010.10.
・"Sosharu Bijinesu to Sosharu Inobe-shon" [Social Business and Social Innovation] , Hitotsubashi Business Review, Summer 2009, Vol.57, No.1.
・"Wagakuni ni okeru CSR no doukou to Seisakukadai" [CSR Trend and Policy Task in Japan], Keieigaku no houhou to mondai, [Methods and Issues of Management],The 15th Annuals of The Society for the History of Management Theories, Bunshin-do, 2008.5.
"Kanyokeizai・Seisakugaku no Kisochishiki”, [Environmental Economics and Policy Studies: Basic Facts and Concepts], Society for Environmental Economics and Policy Studies (ed.), Yuhikaku Publishing Co.Ltd.,2006.
・“Sustainable development and the need for CSR”, Globalization and Corporate Social Responsibility: Mainly in the Field of Labor and Human Rights, JILPT Research Report No.45, the Japan Institute for Labour Policy and Training, 2005.10.(Summary in English)
・"Kigyo to NPO no Soshikisenryaku: Organization Portfolio of Social Enterprise" [Organizational Strategy of Company and NPO: Social Enterprise Organizational Portfolio], Soshiki Kagaku [Organizational Science], Vol.38,No.4, The Academic Association for Organizational Science, 2005.6.
・"CSR to Shijoshakai no komyunike-shon" [CSR and Communication in Market Society], Aoyama Management Review, No.7, 2005.4.
・"CSR to Kigyohyoka"[CSR and Corporate Evaluation], Soshiki Kagaku [Organizational Science] , Vol.38, No.2, The Academic Association for Organizational Science, 2004.12.